We are pleased to attach a new research article that demonstrates how Brighton and Hove Speak Out is effectively and imaginatively supporting people with learning disabilities (PWLD). Advocacy for a Change is an independent piece of research that describes a stepped Model of Change that shows how PWLD are helped to achieve positive changes for themselves and for their community. BH Speak Out has been innovating different ways of providing advocacy services and groups so that PWLD can flourish, have a more effective voice and can start to affect change in how they are treated by others. The report features impact case studies; modelling of best practice in advocacy; and a link to a short film on YouTube produced by the Learning Disability Voices Network.
The article has lots of insights for anyone involved in advocacy, community support and social work with change models that have explanatory value in work with many different people in society who need support. As well as reading the short article yourself can we ask you to:
– Share this email and the article with colleagues
– Distribute the report on your mailing lists and newsletters
– Post up the report on your website/other social media
Happy Reading and we welcome any comments and feedback. Thanks.
Jim Simpson, Consultant and Researcher, [email protected]
Sarah Pickard, Director, Brighton and Hove Speak Out, [email protected]
Please take a look at the article: Advocacy for a Change – Best Practice Paper