Health Advocacy

How to look after your heart

Speak Out has been working with the NHS to produce some resources for people with learning disabilities, their carers and health professionals about how to help people look after their heart health.

This is because people with learning disabilities have a greater risk of heart disease than the rest of the population - we want this to change. The good news is there are lots of things you can do to look after your heart like eating well and doing exercise.

Watch our videos below to find out more:

Easy read booklets

We have also made easy read booklets and an A3 poster to help people understand what they can do to stay healthy and well:

A3 Poster:

Further resources

All the resources can be found on the NHS website along with other health information about:
  • Annual Health checks
  • How to prevent cancer
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • How to prevent chest infections

Watch our animations:

Speak Out has made animated films with Carousel about the experiences of people with learning disabilities using health services.

We spoke to 40 people with learning disabilities and have used some of their stories to make films about the difficulties that they experience.

A workbook is available to help health professionals reflect on the films, which can be found below. Speak Out have also produced comprehensive guidance on good support for people with learning disabilities in health services.

Workbooks for Health Professionals

For those training to be a health professional there is a workbook to help reflect on the issues in the films.

Guidance for Health Professionals

Speak Out have produced guidance on good support for people with learning disabilities in health services which supports Doctors, Nurses and other health professionals, Managers and Administrators to think about how they can improve practice, make reasonable adjustments and meet the needs of individuals with learning disabilities better.

This will help them to comply with Equality Act 2010, and the Accessible Information Standard 2015.

The Project has been funded by the Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group.

Workshops and Presentations

Speak Out trainers are available to run training workshops and presentations based around the films and guidance for Health Services.

If you are interested in booking training to improve access for people with learning disabilities please contact us on:

01273 421921

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