Support our work

If you want to help make a difference to people with learning disabilities in the city, why not fundraise for us? From marathons to bake sales to corporate partnerships, there are lots of different ways you can fundraise for us.

Whether you organise your own community event or decide to sponsor us for your next marathon, the resources on this page are here to help get you started!


A letter from Will Davies, CEO:

Even in a city like Brighton and Hove, which prides itself on its openness to difference, people with learning disabilities can often get a raw deal.

Brighton & Hove Speak Out was founded in 1994, with just one part-time staff member, to address precisely this. Since then we’ve worked alongside hundreds of people with learning disabilities to enable them to find their own voice and way through life. Now with 12 staff and a team of 20 volunteers, we provide advocacy services across the city, helping around 400 people a year. We have concrete plans to reach even more people over the coming years.

The need for our work is ever-growing: the help of people like you is ever more urgent.

Will Davies - CEO, Brighton & Hove Speak Out.

Run the Brighton Marathon Weekend 10K

Looking for a new year challenge?
Why not run the Brighton Marathon Weekend 10K and raise money for Speak Out!

The Brighton Marathon Weekend 10K consists of a beautiful trail around Brighton's city centre. Last year we had a total of 10 runners  helping to fundraise a staggering £3000 for Speak Out! We hope to smash this target this year, helping us to provide vital advocacy support to people with learning disabilities in the city. But we need your help!

What you'll get if you run for us
  • A place in the BM10K
  • Speak Out running top
  • Fundraising support from our Fundraising Assistant, Sian and the rest of the Speak Out team
  • Support from friends and family on the day
  • Snacks and drinks to celebrate after the run

If you'd like to run the Brighton Marathon Weekend 10K this April and fundraise for Speak Out, we'd love to hear from you!

Please contact our Fundraising Assistant at [email protected] for more info, or feel free to give us a call on 01273 421 921

2025 10K image

Organise your own fundraising event

What could be easier and more fun than fundraising in your own time, in your own way!

Organising your own charity fundraising event is the perfect way to help raise money for Speak Out, why not choose to fundraise with your family and friends, colleagues and neighbours! You won't be alone, we will be with you every step of the way.

If you would like to organise your own sponsored swim, cycle, yodel, teddy bear’s picnic, or whatever takes your fancy, then please contact the Fundraising Team or give us a call on 01273 421921

Please download our Fundraising Pack which includes a handy A-Z of fundraising ideas, a sponsorship form and poster to promote your event, as well as information on how to stay legal and safe when fundraising.

Thank you.

Partnership with Businesses

A Corporate partnership with Speak Out could help more people with learning disabilities in a number of ways.

Speak Out welcome building positive relationships with businesses who are local, national, and International. We welcome offers of pro-bono work, volunteering, and helping us to fundraise. Small charities like Speak Out always need offers of expertise in I.T, Marketing, and Comms. We ‘always’ want to hear from employees who are willing to run a marathon, cycle, swim, or help our charity in other creative ways.  We know that such relationships should be mutually beneficial. Therefore, we are always interested in talking to businesses about how they can improve their diversity – with particular focus on disability inclusion.

We can also offer Learning Disability Awareness Training, Accessible Information Training, and we can translate information into easy read format, helping companies make an essential reasonable adjustment for customers.


Contact us:

01273 421921

A gift in your will

Why leave us a gift in your Will?

Put simply, we are urgently needed. People with learning disabilities face being under-valued, judged and bullied; they can feel very isolated and face barriers to participating in community life.

Their access to proper healthcare and mental health support can be severely restricted. It’s just not good enough.

We’re taking on this situation by helping people with learning disabilities both to speak out about the things that are important to them, and support them to find solutions to the problems they face.

As a charity we rely on donations from people like you and a gift in your Will would help us enormously. For instance, we urgently need to expand the reach of our advocacy work further across the city and increase the number of people we support.

With your help we provide individual short and long term advocacy, group work, and drop-in sessions and can reach many more people who will need us in the future. Our drop in sessions encourage a sense of community where people with learning disabilities meet and support each other. There are opportunities to run many more of these and help connect isolated people.

If you would like to talk to someone who specialises in bereavement support, you may like to visit the Cruse Bereavement Care website. Alternatively, you could have a look at Dying Matters, an organisation that looks to raise awareness of dying, death and bereavement.


Contact us:

01273 421921

Remembering us in your will – ways and means

Of course, making provision for your loved ones in your Will comes first. But after them, please consider leaving Brighton & Hove Speak Out a gift.

Three ways exist to remember us:

  1. A lump sum, called a pecuniary legacy
  2. A residuary legacy – the remainder of your estate after all the other gifts and any debts have been subtracted
  3. Finally, you might want to leave a specific item to us

Then there’s the Will itself. If you’re drawing up a Will for the first time, you can include a gift to Brighton & Hove Speak Out in it – and to amend an existing Will you can add a codicil, a straightforward form.

Writing your Will

Your local solicitor will be glad to help you with your arrangements in person and can explain, simply, all the details.

If you feel more comfortable online, try

If you do decide to leave a gift in your Will to us you’ll need to please include our address and charity number:

Brighton & Hove Speak Out: The Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton BN1 1YD

Registered Charity Number: 1076995

Contact us

01273 421921

In Memory

Whether it’s a one-off donation or a regular gift, you can help us support people in Brighton & Hove with a learning disability and their families, and treasure the memory of someone special.

There are several ways to make a donation in memory of your loved one.

  • Collections at funerals and memorial services
  • Online
  • Donate through our JustGiving pages
  • Many people also set up a personalised donation page at JustGiving
  • By post

Send a cheque made payable to Brighton & Hove Speak Out:

FAO Emily Barratt, Deputy CEO
Brighton & Hove Speak Out, Brighthelm Centre
North Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1YD

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