Learning Disability Voices Network


The Learning Disability Voices Network (LDVN) is an exciting project linking together people with learning disabilities across Brighton and Hove.

LDVN makes sure we have a stronger voice and become more visible and valued in our communities.

The project consists of our Drop In, advocacy events and self-advocacy groups, including the award winning 'Being Heard in Government' group.

The project is led by a steering group and the membership of people with learning disabilities.

If you have a learning disability, we invite you to get involved.  You can become a member of The Learning Disability Voices Network.  As you member, you will be able to ask The Steering Group to help you with an issue, you will receive regular updates from us and what we are working on.

You will be invited to events that we hold throughout the year.  You can help us raise the profile of people with learning disabilities and help make things in the city better for us all.

If you are interested in getting involved in any way please contact Danielle on:

[email protected]