Fundraising Events
Run for us!
Would you like to take part in the Brighton Marathon in 2024, the BM10K or the Brighton Half Marathon? Whether you are looking for a place or have your own, we'd love to hear from you!
How to enter?
Have your own place for Brighton Marathon, BM10K or the Brighton Half Marathon
If you already have your own place for the 2024 Brighton Marathon Weekend or the Brighton Half Marathon then we'd love for you to join Team Speak Out. The minimum sponsorship pledge is £150.
We purchase your place
If you don't yet have a place, we can purchase your place for you, or if you already have your own place, we can reimburse you for the cost. The minimum sponsorship pledge for these options will be £250.
We will support you from the moment you sign up all the way through to the end of the race - we hope you will join team Speak Out and help us give people with learning disabilities a voice.
As well as setting up a JustGiving page, you can also raise extra donations absolutely free by downloading the Fit4Change App. Simply download the App from the Fit4Change website, select Brighton and Hove Speak Out as your chosen charity, and for every bit of movement you do, you will raise vital funds for Speak Out.
Organise your own fundraising event
What could be easier and more fun than fundraising in your own time, in your own way!
Organising your own charity fundraising event is the perfect way to help raise money for Speak Out, why not choose to fundraise with your family and friends,
colleagues and neighbours! You won't be alone, we will be with you every step of the way.
If you would like to organise your own sponsored swim, cycle, yodel, teddy bear’s picnic, or whatever takes your fancy, then please contact the Fundraising Team or give us a call on 01273 421921
Please download our Fundraising Pack which includes a handy A-Z of fundraising ideas, a sponsorship form and poster to promote your event, as well as information on how to stay legal and safe when fundraising.
Thank you.