All our training courses are co-delivered by experts by experience who have learning disabilities.
Our training sessions are aimed at supporting anyone who may come into contact with people with learning disabilities.
We have worked with Council staff from housing, benefits, planning, parks, refuse, and transport departments, to local voluntary organisations and private companies like Glad Rags and the Theatre Royal. The training has helped them to make action plans to improve their service for people with learning disabilities.
We can tailor the training to your needs. To get the most from the training we encourage you to book a whole day, which usually runs from 10am – 4pm. However, we know work pressures mean a half day may suit you better. We call this a ‘micro’ training session – takes place over a morning or afternoon. We are happy to deliver training in-person or online. Some ‘out of area’ training may have to take place online unless additional expenses can be paid.
You can download our brochure here: Training and Easy Read with Speak Out
Click on the links below to find out more about the different training sessions we offer:
Further Information
For more information and cost, please contact us at:
Telephone: 01273 421921
Email: [email protected]