Please welcome Danielle and Jen!
Jen and Danielle are Speak Out’s new Project Workers, working alongside each other to set up the relaunch of the Learning Disability Voices Network.
Both Jen and Danielle are very excited about the relaunch and looks forward to the future of the project and the positive things that can be achieved.
The LDVN is a fantastic project linking together people with learning disabilities across Brighton & Hove to have a stronger voice and become more visible and valued in the local community.
If you have a learning disability or know someone who does, why not help Jen and Danielle make Brighton and Hove a better place by getting involved and raising the profile of the network.
Their plan is to raise awareness of the LDVN by:
- Visiting local groups and organisations
- Visiting public services like libraries, GP surgeries, sports centres
- Sending out their newsletter
- Reaching people through social media
- Attending conferences, meetings and events
If you’d like to find out more about the Learning Disability Voices Network, please contact Jen or Danielle at: [email protected] or [email protected] or give us a ring on: 01237 421921